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MediKidz Stars

Meet Jack
The first book, “Understanding Epilepsy,” tells the story of Jack, who is navigating middle school while living with epilepsy. After experiencing a seizure following a basketball game that puts his participation in the upcoming championship game at risk, Jack receives assistance from the Medikidz®. They provide him with an up-close and personal overview of what happens inside his body during a seizure and help him explain his condition to his coach and peers, ensuring they understand its impact on Jack. Click right to order Jack’s book.
Meet Megan
After initially struggling with the diagnosis of epilepsy at the age of 14, Megan became determined to transform her diagnosis into an opportunity to advocate for individuals living with epilepsy. Through her vlog and social media network, she has been able to connect with and inspire thousands of teenagers who are living with epilepsy, spreading awareness about her own journey and how she manages the disorder. Click right to order Megan’s book, “Living with Epilepsy.”
Meet Nylah
It was important for Nylah to be able to achieve her goals and become a role model for others living with epilepsy. To accomplish this, she had to learn about the triggers that caused her seizures and the steps she needed to take to help manage her symptoms. Click right to order Nylah’s book, “Managing Epilepsy.”
Meet Brian and Julia
Julia meets with her doctor and receives the news that, as she will be heading off to college soon, she needs to start preparing for the transition from her pediatric neurologist to an adult neurologist. Additionally, she will need to take on added responsibility in managing her condition. Upon realizing the significant changes that lie ahead, Axon, one of the Medikidz® characters, introduces her to Brian, a young adult and college student who can empathize with her thoughts and feelings about the epilepsy transitions process. The story takes us back to when Brian was preparing for college and navigating the transitions process. Julia gains insight into his experiences and learns from them. Click right to order Julia and Brian’s book “Understanding Transitional Care in Epilepsy.”
Meet Hannah
After experiencing a seizure during a hockey game, Hannah almost gives up on her dream of playing hockey. To help Hannah see that epilepsy doesn’t mean you have to quit being active, the Medikidz® travel back in time to see professional and Olympic Gold Medalist hockey player, Chanda Gunn, who is Hannah’s age. Hannah gives Chanda confidence to keep playing, despite her seizures. Fast forward to present day and Chanda is able to return the favor. Click right to order Hannah’s book, “Playing Sports with Epilepsy.”
Meet Joel
Joel serves as the inspiration for the second book, “Seizure Assistance Dogs.” The book tells Joel’s story of striving to lead a normal life with his friends while living with epilepsy. The Medikidz® introduce Joel to Flame, a seizure-assistance dog, who becomes a part of his life. Ultimately, Flame assists Joel in gaining confidence, enabling him to attend school and engage in play with other children, despite his epilepsy. Click right to order Joel’s book.
Meet Nylah & Isabel and Learn More About Epilepsy Management & Advocacy
Hear from Medikidz® protagonists Nylah and Isabel about their journey with epilepsy and how they learned to advocate for themselves, as well as what they need to better manage their condition.


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This website contains information relating to various medical conditions. Such information is provided for educational purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for the advice of a physician or other health care professionals. You should not use this information for diagnosing a health problem or disease. In order for you to make intelligent health care decisions, you should always consult with a physician or other health care provider for you or your loved one’s personal medical needs. All quotes included in this website represent the individual experience of doctors, patients, and their caregivers. Individual responses to treatment may vary. Actual identities may have been changed to protect individual privacy.